
Skazki - Tales (Russian)
by Korney Chukhovskiy
There is no child whose mother tongue is Russian who doesn't know poems by Korney Chukovsky. His books are still among the very first books which parents read to every Russian child - despite the fact that his first versed tale - "The Crocodile" - dates back to as early as 1916 and most of the children's poems that made him famous were written in 1920's. Parents and even grandparents who now read books by Korney Chukovsky to kids, can well remember how they listened to these very verses themselves - many years ago. Chukovsky wrote short stories and poems, whose "clockwork rhythms and air of mischief and lightness", as one critic wrote, have captivated children. More than 40 years after his death , Korney Chukovskiy remains one of russian's best loved children's authors. His classic books suc as Doctor Aybolit, Mishmash, Krokodil, or or Telefon, are still widely read.
Ages 3-8; Hardcover