L. Frank Baum
Sandra Boyton
Norman Bridwell
Antony Brown
Margaret Wise Brown
Eric Carle
Suzanne Collins
Roald Dahl
Julia Donaldson
P.D. Eastman
Rene Goscinny
Jeff Kenney
Annie Kubler
Lois Lowry
Mercer Mayer
Sam McBratney
David McKee
Robert N. Munsch
Mary Pope Osborn
Dav Pilkey
Barbara Park
H.A. Ray
J.K. Rowling
Richard Scarry
Maurice Sendak
Dr. Seuss
Shel Silverstein
Espir Slovodkina
Robert Luis Stevenson
E.B. White
Brian Wildsmith

Eric Carle in German: Maxi-Pixi-4er-Set - 4 Stories (German)
by Eric Carle
Every child knows “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” – and its creator Eric Carle. As one of the greatest picture book artists, Carle has created many other colorful and famous classics - some four of the most beautiful and popular can be found in this anniversary selection for his 90th birthday: Animal ABC; Do you want to be my friend; A house for hermit crab; Rooster off to see the world.
Maxi Pixi – the small, large picture books in soft
Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt“ kennt jedes Kind – und ihren Schöpfer Eric Carle. Als einer der größten Bilderbuchkünstler hat Carle noch viele weitere bunte und berühmte Klassiker geschaffen – einige der schönsten und beliebtesten finden sich in dieser Jubiläums-Auswahl zu seinem 90.
Ages 3-7; 24 Pages; Paperback (15.6 x 1.5 x 16 cm)