Canzoni Per Bambini, Volume 2,  CD (Italian)

Canzoni Per Bambini, Volume 2, CD (Italian)




by Katia Moltisanti Tennyson and John Gentry Tennyson

Canzoni Per Bambini, Volumes I and II, are a collection of forty original children's songs, sponsored in part through a grant from IACE (Italian American Committee on Education).

In the first volume, children learn to sing the Italian alphabet, numbers, colors and the months of the year. In the second volume, children learn the "Benvenuti!" song, parts of the body, the alphabet in action, the five senses and much more! Songs included in the CD: Beenvenuti!; ILTatto ;L'ABC in Action Pinocchio;   Famiglia; Spazzolino!; Il Circo;;Spiaggia; Il Gusto Campagna; L'Olfatto;

Ages 2 - 8; audio CD


$ 20.95