Si Ves un Monte de Espumas y Otros Poemas: Antologia de Poesia Infantil  Hispanoamericana

Si Ves un Monte de Espumas y Otros Poemas: Antologia de Poesia Infantil Hispanoamericana




by Ana Garralon (Editor); Teresa Novoa (Illustration)

Ana Garralón, Spanish critic and researcher, was the one who made ​​the selection of the poems, comments and biographical and bibliographical notes.Twenth six authors are featured in this selection. They all were born in Latin America, a beautiful land of long distances and great contrasts: from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego; from the north to south; over ten thousand miles and over many different cultures. All these authors at some point in their life wrote poems for children. Some wrote the poems for children they knew well, like Joan of Ibarbourou, who dedicated his poem to friend's daughter; or Jose Marti, who wrote to his son, whom he just visited. Eliseo Diego also wrote poems for her three children while watching them playing by the big tree in their garden.

The antology features over 40 poems representative of the Latin American poetic repertoire dedicated to children. 

Recommended for kids ages 7 and older and for the little ones who enjoy listening to poetry read to them by their parents. 

Ages 5 and up;  127 Pages; Paperback


$ 12.95