HaKochavim hem haYeladim shel haYare'ach - The stars are the childrens of the moon (Hebrew)

HaKochavim hem haYeladim shel haYare'ach - The stars are the childrens of the moon (Hebrew)




by Jonathan Geffen

Many of the songs in this book are well known; Some of them ("I was the youngest child in the class," "The Kipoda Yocheved") are considered classics and appear in anthologies and in school readings. In his poems - here and in other collections - Geffen manages to touch the childhood; The issues that occupy children, what makes them laugh and how they perceive the world. The song 'Crossing the Road with My Mother' ('Soon I'll be big, I'll be by myself soon.' But in the meantime I have everything (because in the meantime you're always with me) '- touches on the question of growth and independence. "Peace Grade A" reflects the first day of studies from the point of view of a child who has just begun to be a student: 'At first it looks scary to me, like this darkness before the film begins.' The songs "The Yellow Child", "The Red Boy", "The Shy Boy" and "The Kid Are Just" reflect the thoughts and doubts of a child observing his peers. 
"The Stars are the Children of the Moon" is for both children and adults. 

Ages 3 and up; 38 Pages; Paperback



$ 8.95